Committee Chair Guide                                                                 



This guide provides essential instructions for committee chairs on effectively managing their roles and responsibilities.


Gathering Volunteers

  • Recruit and organize committee volunteers early in the planning process.

Creating a Project Plan and Managing Budgets

  • Develop a project plan that fits within the budget approved by the PTA board.
  • If additional funds are required, request further budget approval before incurring extra expenses.
  • Strictly adhere to the budget, even when securing sponsorships.
  • Prioritize using the PTA budget over seeking outside sponsorships to avoid donor fatigue.

Managing Expenses

  • Obtain at least two bids for large ticket items, as required by Texas PTA guidelines.
  • Ensure all contracts are signed by the PTA President (contact:
  • The Treasurer will only approve and pay for expenses related to contracts signed by the PTA President.

Procedures for Handling Sales Tax and Reimbursements

  • Use the PTA's sales tax exemption form or request one from the Treasurer (contact:
  • Utilize the PTA's tax-exempt Amazon account for purchases. Request the information from the PTA President.
  • Submit reimbursement requests within 30 days of the expense, including receipts.
  • Electronic reimbursements are processed quickly, while check requests take 10-15 days.

Social Media Request

  • Send a flyer, artwork, dates, and blurb in a final format to Celeste, Rachel, and Blair at the following email addresses:,,
  • One team member will handle the post.  Kindly provide a minimum of 2 days' advance notice and ensure all necessary post information has been shared.

Helpful Website

Upcoming Events

Click HERE for the full calendar.
